What's the Best New Year's Resolution? Scheduling a Plumbing Maintenance Visit

What Exactly Does Plumbing Maintenance Involve?

As the year draws to a close, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has one thing to share with homeowners: Schedule annual plumbing maintenance visits before 2023 gets underway. An annual plumbing maintenance visit could mean a well-functioning system versus weeks of stress. 

When a plumber inspects the system, they look for any problems that could become a large issue later. They may also recommend replacing certain appliances or upgrading already-existing ones. A maintenance visit may also entail the following: 

Drain Cleaning Is Critical drain

Drain cleaning is more than just cleaning the grime around the drain; it means taking a deeper look and addressing any underlying issues, like obstructions and rusted pipes. As a part of drain cleaning, a plumber may: 

  • Use specialized equipment (like a drain snake with a camera) to look deep into the plumbing system 
  • Patch any leaking pipes
  • Insulate pipes that could potentially freeze 
  • Address any mold or mildew growth 
  • Remove corrosion 
  • Examine any water-based appliances, like water heaters and boilers 

On the surface, a homeowner might think that their plumbing system works fine and doesn’t need a professional’s opinion. That’s where they’re mistaken. Just because water goes down the kitchen sink’s drain doesn’t mean there aren’t any unseen time-sensitive issues. 

It’s also worth mentioning that homeowners should avoid using over-the-counter drain cleaners to break down clogs or maintain their plumbing systems. Despite what these products say on the label, they can break down pipes over time and cause irreparable damage. Homeowners can properly maintain their plumbing systems by being mindful of what goes down and using a mesh drain screen. 

Work with a Professional 

Do-it-yourself fixes are all the rage right now. Countless resources online claim to offer “the easy way out” when it comes to maintaining the home’s plumbing system. This is where many homeowners go wrong. They risk doing more harm than good by attempting their own repairs or maintenance techniques. 

When a homeowner partners with a trained professional, they can benefit from the following: 

  • Saving money on unexpected repairs
  • The peace of mind that comes with a well-functioning plumbing system 
  • Hot and cold water on demand 
  • Improved air quality 

There are countless plumbing services located in Philadelphia, PA. Some are closer than most people think. 

The Importance of Water Heater Maintenance maintenance

The U.S. Department of Energy notes that water heaters can last for about 10 to 15 years before they exhibit serious signs of wear and tear. However, for a water heater to pass the 10-year mark, homeowners should prioritize annual plumbing inspections. When a professional examines a home’s water heater, they will: 

  • Make sure it’s getting adequate power 
  • Patch any leaks 
  • Evaluate the heating element 
  • Replace rusted or corroded components 
  • Advise homeowners on future maintenance measures 

Some problems aren’t fixable. If a plumber notices that a water heater is just barely getting the job done and is already over 10 years old, they may suggest getting a new one. From there, they can recommend models that could meet one’s needs. They can also follow through with installation and other home improvement measures. 

About City Plumbing 

City Plumbing is a full-service plumbing agency based locally in Philly. They don’t subcontract anything; their in-house professionals perform all work. They offer same-day appointments, customer satisfaction, and a whole lot more. One can call today for plumbing service.